About Us

About Us

About Us

Who We Are

The Advanced Energy Systems group at Colorado School of Mines is focused on the study and advancement of sustainable and alternative energy systems that either convert valuable resources to useful products (such as power, heat, cooling, synfuels, etc.) or store energy for later use. The group is led by Professor Rob Braun in the Mechanical Engineering department.

Who We Are

The Advanced Energy Systems group at Colorado School of Mines is focused on the study and advancement of sustainable and alternative energy systems that either convert valuable resources to useful products (such as power, heat, cooling, synfuels, etc.) or store energy for later use. The group is led by Professor Rob Braun in the Mechanical Engineering department.

The AESG Logo

What We Do

Our research encompasses a diverse set of energy conversion systems ranging from high-temperature fuel cell and membrane technologies to biorefineries and concentrating solar power plants. We apply fundamental device and systems-level modeling, analysis, and optimization to accelerate the development and deployment of highly efficient and cost-effective clean energy systems. Our group engages in research related to:

  • Device and system modeling, design and simulation
  • Systems integration and thermal management
  • Techno-economic process engineering and plant optimization
  • Energy/exergy and pinch analysis

What We Do

Our research encompasses a diverse set of energy conversion systems ranging from high-temperature fuel cell and membrane technologies to biorefineries and concentrating solar power plants. We apply fundamental device and systems-level modeling, analysis, and optimization to accelerate the development and deployment of highly efficient and cost-effective clean energy systems. Our group engages in research related to:

  • Device and system modeling, design and simulation
  • Systems integration and thermal management
  • Techno-economic process engineering and plant optimization
  • Energy/exergy and pinch analysis

Research Focus Areas

  • High-temperature fuel cells (solid oxide and protonic ceramics)
  • Electrolyzers for hydrogen and synthetic fuel production
  • Reversible fuel cell systems for energy storage
  • Advanced power cycles, including supercritical CO2 Brayton cycles
  • Thermal and thermochemical energy storage
  • Concentrating solar power

Research Focus Areas

  • High-temperature fuel cells (solid oxide and protonic ceramics)
  • Electrolyzers for hydrogen and synthetic fuel production
  • Reversible fuel cell systems for energy storage
  • Advanced power cycles, including supercritical CO2 Brayton cycles
  • Thermal and thermochemical energy storage
  • Concentrating solar power

The AESG Experience

AESG Collaborators

Colorado Fuel
Cell Center