Our Research
The Advanced Energy Systems Group performs research that involves the modeling, analysis and optimization of energy conversion systems. Because energy systems is a broad field, our research portfolio involves interdisciplinary collaboration both within Colorado School of Mines and with external organizations. Our research falls within three distinct thrust areas, outlined below.

Our fuel cell research is diverse and far-reaching. We have performed high-fidelity cell, stack and system modeling simulation of solid oxide fuel cells for numerous applications and with different cell technologies, including traditional YSZ electrolytes, LSGM and protonic ceramics. A significant component also involves techno-economic optimal design and operation of these systems. Application areas: portable power, unmanned undersea vehicles, commercial aircraft, residential and commercial stationary power, large utility-scale, integrated gasification power plants, and combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP).

Research in this thrust area includes both alternative, fossil-based energy conversion technologies and renewables. The work carried out thus far ranges from biomass and wastewater sludge conversion to polygeneration and synfuel production. Application areas: Biomass gasification; Polygeneration of heat, hydrogen, and power (CHHP); Production of Fischer-Tropsch liquid fuels from renewable energy-supplied high temperature electrolysis units; hydrogen purification from syngas using membrane and advanced gas cleanup technologies, and Biogas utilization at wastewater treatment plants.